Thursday, January 19, 2017

Starting off 2017 with state! Last weekend, on the 14th, I participated in the 2017 Ohio JOAD Indoor Championships. I walked into state feeling confident. About 2 months ago, I got a new bow and I haven't shot enough to get 100% used to it yet. Anyway, I walked in feeling confident with the new set-up. There were only 4 other girls in my division, yet I still placed 2nd. This year, I will be turning 13 so now i'm a cub! I am the youngest in my division. All of the other girls have been cubs for 1-2 years. I am happy with how I shot with the new bow and being the youngest. The girl in 1st place was only 2 points ahead of me. Throughout the competition, our scores were going back and forth. She would be one point higher, then we would be  tied, then I would be one point higher, and so on. After the competition was over, our JOAD leader, Fred, entered our clubs highest scores into teams. I was put on the ladies compound team. Adam's Conservation Club swooped in to take first place! We were so excited!

After receiving the medals, Chris from ACE Archers had a special announcement. He announced the Shooters of the Year from 2016- when I was still a bowman. When he announced women's compound, guess who he called? Me! I was very excited and proud of myself for improving over the years. I walked up to receive my award and my dad took a picture. Thanks dad!

Now that I am home, I see that you cant see what the shirt says. I took a close up of the shirt with my lucky arrow necklace that my mom's friend Kate gave to me!

After receiving the shirt, Chris called everyone over who received a shirt to take a "team" picture.

Finally, after all of the pictures, we took more pictures. This time, it was with my team. My family at Adams Conservation Club. There were a total of 20 of us that attended the tournament.

Overall, state was a success for me! I can't wait for future tournaments and in the meantime, practice, practice, practice!